Belva Hansen, The Family Place Utah Groundbreaking

Sep 23, 2015 | Events

logan groundbreaking

– SEPTEMBER 28, 2015 –1600 NORTH 200 WEST, LOGAN UTAH –

(LOGAN, UT)—The Family Place Utah is pleased to announce a groundbreaking ceremony for a new, 10,000 square foot facility in Logan.  The new location, which will be located at approximately 1600 N and 200 W in Logan, will replace the current facility at 380 W 1400 N in Logan which was outgrown nearly eight years ago.  The facility will be named after a dear friend and advocate for The Family Place Utah, Belva Hansen.


“My family is my life!” exclaims Belva.  “My hope is that parents and children will feel a deep bond of love for each other, that every child will know the innocence and joy of childhood.  The Family Place Utah is where this has happened and will continue to happen.  I have seen firsthand the programs and services offered at The Family Place Utah work.  My goal is for this new building to be a functional, safe and inviting environment that will encourage and welcome all children and families in Cache Valley to receive education, information and support.”


The emphasis of The Family Place Utah is on building stronger families.  Located at three convenient locations throughout Cache County (Hyrum, Logan and Smithfield), The Family Place Utah is looking forward to continuing the tradition of supporting families through workshops and classes for parents and children, care for children at the Kid’s Place, counseling, the Good-Touch/Bad-Touch ® program and family focused activities such as the Princess Party, Superhero Party and Kids vs. Mud.  The facility will also house the Starfish Children’s Shelter.


“Belva Hansen is a stalwart advocate for children and believes wholeheartedly in the institution of family,” states Esterlee A. Molyneux, Executive Director.  “Belva and her family have provided an exceptional opportunity for families in our community to have a resource in which they can be edified and strengthened.  We are honored to work with Belva, her family, and the good people at Wasatch Development Group to make this dream a reality.”


The ceremony will consist of brief remarks by Belva Hansen, Dell Loy Hansen, Jim Payant (Board President), Jennifer Seamons (Key Bank) and Esterlee Molyneux (Executive Director).


The Family Place Utah is enlisting the support of the community to raise the remaining $60,000 to complete this project.  Donations can be made online, or via mail to PO Box 6055, North Logan, UT  84341.


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