Our Mission
To provide resources and tools through educational services to build on individual strengths in a trauma-informed manner.
Families come in all different shapes and sizes. We are here to help families realize their strengths and build upon them through evidence based information and resources. We do this through the following:

Home Visiting
Learn personalized parenting strategies from a trained professional in your home. From infants to teenagers, we’re here to support you.
Home Visiting
The Place To Enhance Parenting SkillsEvery child is different, and that doesn’t make parenting any easier! Get the support you need for your situation in the convenience of your own home.
The Home Visiting Program is a free service offered to parents who want to learn more effective parenting strategies, and is designed to help you and your child in the areas you need support. The program can help you develop stronger parenting skills, learn how to manage your emotions and your child’s emotions, enhance your understanding of child development, increase personal health, and strengthen parent-child relationships. It also offers community referrals and monthly family activities that will help you build a support network. With our support, you can become the best parent you can be. Give your child the best future he or she can get.
To request Home Visiting call 435-752-8880
For additional information, contact a Home Visitor at 435-752-8880, or email [email protected]

Mental Health First Aid
A free certification to learn skills to help someone who is experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis. Our goal is to provide education and increase awareness in our community while reducing the stigma surrounding mental health.

Stepfamily Education
A free course to learn co-parenting strategies, empathy and communication skills, and how to work better together. Open to remarried couples, stepmothers/stepfathers, and cohabitating couples.

Youth Leadership Council Membership
A council to help engage youth in service and activities and to empower them to use their experiences and education on a variety of issues that they may face to make a difference in the lives of their peers and community.

Kids Empowered
In this abuse prevention program, children learn an age-appropriate definition of child abuse, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse as well as neglect. Our professional Family Educators teach safe vs. unsafe touches, personal space and boundaries, how to identify trusted adults, body safety rules to prevent abuse and bullying, body ownership, and how to create a safety plan.
Kids Empowered
The Place Where Children Learn and GrowKids Empowered program teaches children:
An age-appropriate definition of child abuse, including physical, emotional and sexual abuse as well as neglect
Safe vs. unsafe touches
Personal space and boundaries
Promises and secrets
Identifying trusted adults who can help
Identifying trusted adults who can help
3 body safety rules to prevent abuse and bullying
Body ownership
Creating a safety plan

Parenting Classes
These workshops help improve parenting skills, emotional regulation, and the attachment between caregivers and children. Offered as an 8-week Positive Parenting course to empower caregivers with parenting skills and problem solving techniques.

Parents as Teachers
A parent education program that helps support parents from pregnancy until their child enters kindergarten. We teach positive discipline, how to connect through play, and parenting behaviors. Our goal is to help your child be prepared for kindergarten. We have professionals come into your home and work with your schedule.
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