We are thrilled to be the charity of choice for this year’s Bear Lake Winterfest! Find fun activities for the whole family below. Find more information at BearLakeMonsterWinterfest.com. Masks will be required at all events per CDC and Bear River Health Department guidelines. Hand sanitizing stations will be available throughout the venues. Plunging will be done in staggered groups. If you are sick, please stay home.
Monster 5K Run/Walk | 8:30 am | Bear Lake State Park Marina
- Register in advance at RunBearLake.com. There will be a costume contest!
- Adults $30, Children $20, or Family(4) $60
Buy Local, Eat Local Tent | 10-3 pm | Bear Lake State Park Marina
- Stop by to shop local and eat local with Bear Lake area merchants and restaurants.
Monster Cisco Disco Tournament | 6-12 pm | Sunrise Resort and Events Center
- Dip net for Cisco fish on the east side of Bear Lake at dawn. State Park entrance fee. Utah fishing license required. Bring your BIGGEST little Cisco fish to the Utah State Park Marina. Cisco fish must be caught 6am-Noon on January 23, 2021. Winners announced at the awards ceremony. Kid category and adult category both have great prizes. No cost to enter the contest.
- Fish must be entered at the marina 11am – noon.
Monster Chili Cook-off | Check in 9-11:30 am
- 12:30pm – Judging followed by public sampling. Judges will determine who has the best chili. Great prizes will be given to winners at the Awards Ceremony.
Monster Cardboard Boat Regatta | Check in 11-12 pm | Bear Lake State Park Marina
- 12 pm Competition begins. Build your boat at home and bring it, or build Friday night at the Sunrise Resort. The race is on!
Monster Plunge | Bear Lake State Park Marina
- See website for various jump times. Costume parade, judging, and plunge at Bear Lake State Park Marina. “Go jump in a lake!” and help raise funds for The Family Place Utah Charity. Costume prizes for groups and individuals. Plunging will be staggered for social distancing.
- Pre-registration price is $30 per jumper includes an event hoodie.
- Day of registration is $35 between 11-12:00pm. Early registration is encouraged to ensure sizing.
Monster Raffle
- Every vehicle will get a raffle ticket. Additional tickets available.
Bear Lake Memorial Hospital’s Awards Ceremony and Fireworks | Sunrise Resort and Event Center
- Sunrise Hall 4pm Awards for Cisco Disco Tournament, Chili Cook-off, Cardboard Regatta, Plunge, and 5K.
- At Dusk – Fireworks; after fireworks please go visit our local restaurants for dinner.
Huge thank you to Bear Lake Memorial Hospital, Bear Lake Chamber of Commerce, Utah DNR, Bear Lake, Garden City, and Cache Valley Chamber of Commerce for their support and sponsorship of this fun event!

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