All Day

Guia Para Padres

Miércoles, 6:30 a 7:30 pm28 DE AGOSTO AL 9 DE OCTUBRE Curso gratuito realizado en Belva Hansen, The Family Place, 1525 N. 200 W. Logan Incluye Cena Gratis y Cuidado […]


FREE Infant Massage Course

Free weekly workshop every Tuesday September 24th - October 22nd from 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM for babies (0-12 months) and caregivers. This workshop will provide techniques in baby massage […]


Men’s Trauma Group

In this men's group, we'll explore how group therapy works and tackle mental health stigma. Topics include understanding trauma statistics, managing emotions, and the unique needs men have for healing. […]

Horses Helping Humans Heal

6-week experiential group for families who have experienced trauma. Group topics will focus on how trauma affects families and the role that family members play in helping each other heal. […]

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