Glitter Bottles

Jul 16, 2020 | Kids Activities


Glitter bottles, also known as calm down jars, can be used to help children self-regulate and calm down big emotions. Watching the glitter sink to the bottom creates a moment of peace and stillness. While it may be difficult for children to learn skills like this on their own, using a glitter bottle as a mindfulness activity can be a visual lesson that you may find really helpful.

Supplies needed:

  • Plastic or Glass Jar or Bottle (Water bottle – VOSS Water Bottle is best, Peanut Butter Jar, Mason Jar, etc.)
  • Clear Elmer’s Glue or Glitter Glue
  • More glitter!
  • Food Coloring
  • Water


  1. Pour warm to hot water into jar or bottle (or mix it all in a mixing bowl, then transfer)
  2. Add Elmer’s Clear glue.
  3. Add favorite food coloring and glitter.
  4. Add more hot water if needed (to remove the clumps).

For no mess, superglue the lid on!


  • Using two glitter bottles, one for you and one for the child, shake vigorously. Then “race” to see who’s glitter will settle the fastest.
  • Add little letters or shapes to your bottle. Play I-Spy in the glitter bottle.
  • Have children test out different ways to shake the bottle, see how the glitter’s path changes. What makes it create a tornado?
  • Add glowing stars as a perfect bedtime glitter bottle.
  • Use the glitter bottle as a timer. For example, to help with clean up, see if the child can “race” the glitter bottle.
  • Hide the glitter bottle for a hide and seek game!
  • Sit on the floor in front of each other and roll the glitter bottle back and forth.

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