Internet Safety

Jul 28, 2015 | Advancement



The Internet has developed into a great tool for children and can be a valuable resource for keeping in touch with friends, entertainment and learning, but do your children understand the importance of being safe while using the internet?


Just as children are taught not to talk to strangers or give out personal information, children need to be educated on the dangers of the cyber world and how to take necessary precautions while online.


“The Internet is the way sex offenders are getting their victims, and it is a whole different type of sexual abuse that is happening over the Internet,” said Jennifer Bair, The Family Place Utah Education Director.




The subject of Internet safety may seem like a difficult topic to address with your children, especially if you feel you are not familiar with all of the dangers of the Internet. It is not uncommon for kids to know their way around the Internet better than you do (don’t worry, you’re not alone). Because of this, talking with your children about Internet safety may seem like a difficult task, but don’t let it scare you!


“Get educated,” said Bair. “Your kids are talking to a lot of people and those people aren’t necessarily the ones you want them talking to. This is the way society is moving. You aren’t going to get away from technology, it’s only going to get worse.”


There are many resources available to ensure that your children are staying safe while participating in the cyber world.


Childhelp, a non-profit charity aiding victims of child abuse, has seven essential safety rules to discuss with your children to help them understand the very real dangers of using the Internet.



Internet Safety Rules


  1. You can go online only at certain times.
  2. You can only visit certain websites.
  3. NEVER give your complete name, address, or phone number to a person you meet online. That includes people you play games with online.
  4. NEVER tell someone online what school you go to, or what clubs or activities you’re involved in, or where you like to hang out.
  5. NEVER meet anyone in-person whom you met online, or especially do not meet them alone without a safe adult present.
  6. NEVER send pornography, or any pictures of yourself or someone else’s private body parts, over the Internet.
  7. Tell an adult if someone tries to engage you in discussions about sex or private parts, sends you pornography, asks to meet with you, calls you on the phone, or plans to visit you. Tall an adult, and don not respond to the person on the Internet.


Learn more about Internet safety! The Family Place Utah will be holding a workshop, presented by the Logan Police Department on July 30th, focusing on recognizing online offenders and understanding Internet safety.


To register, click the link below!



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