Trauma Resiliency Program

The Place To Grow

At The Family Place Utah, we are specially trained through The National Child Traumatic Stress Network to help families, children, and individuals understand and overcome trauma.

The Family Place Utah’s Trauma Resiliency Project aims to provide effective treatment and services for children ages 11 and younger (and their families) who have experienced a traumatic event. Examples of these events include:


The death of a loved one




Domestic Violence


Community Violence


Parental Separation


Being involved in a serious accident


Refugee Trauma


Military Trauma

And any other event that significantly impacts a child’s ability to cope.
Our project specifically works to help children and their families to integrate traumatic experiences, improve parent-child relationships, and increase coping skills and recovery after trauma. We accomplish this through a therapeutic child center, home visits, and group therapy sessions using the evidence-based Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC) framework of trauma interventions.

The Family Place Utah is an affiliate site for the National Childhood Traumatic Stress Network. For more information about the Traumatic Resiliency Project, please call!

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