“Give energy where you need to give energy. Rest where you need to rest.”

Morgan Harper Nichols

How do I know if it’s actually burnout?
Burnout involves feeling empty, mentally exhausted, devoid of motivation, and beyond
caring. When you’re experiencing burnout you often don’t see any hope of positive
change. Burnout is a sense of being all dried up and you don’t always notice burnout
when it happens.
Healing tips for dealing with trauma and stress:

PROCESS YOUR THOUGHTS when you feel ready, take the time to process how
you’ve been affected and the feelings that come along with it.

CONNECT WITH PEOPLE talking to someone you trust, who cares about you, or who
has gone through similar experiences can be very validating.

DON’T COMPARE YOUR EXPERIENCE everyone experiences trauma differently,
and no one trauma is “worse” than another. If it hurt you, then it hurt you.

TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY listening to your body and giving it what it needs will
help you heal.

KNOW IT WILL TAKE TIME remember: recovery isn’t linear, and it’s normal to have
bad days and setbacks.

DON’T FEEL ASHAMED TO ASK FOR HELP if you feel like you need (or want) help,
it’s important to get that as soon as you can.
source: https://bit.ly/3jg2bOz

Burnout… A friend of a friend’s problem

Self-care: what it really is

Financial Wellness Tips:

  • Use a budget that works for your needs
  • Make an effort to understand your spending habits
  • Create a debt payment plan
  • Learn about scarcity vs abundance mindset
  • Set up automatic payments and transfers
  • Write down bill payment schedule on your calendar
  • Learn how investing works

Friendly reminder that doing your best does not mean working yourself to the point of mental and physical exhaustion.

The hidden meaning of yin and yang:

Mental Health America Screenings

Self-care + mental health
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media feed for encouraging self-care
and mental health messages

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