Why should I invest in more personal growth?
2020 was a year that stretched us in many uncomfortable ways and was very
challenging. After the year we had you may be thinking, “Why should I invest in more
personal growth?” There were many things last year that happened and we had no
control over their outcome, which can be very draining. By choosing to invest in
personal growth in 2021, you are allowing yourself to be in the driver’s seat. You can
choose an area that can bring you joy as you grow and learn new things and that can
be very fulfilling. Take some time in the coming weeks to take inventory on the things
you want to learn, try, grow in, etc., and make a plan for how you’d like to accomplish
those things. But before you start, it may be a good idea to rest!

How can I rest, recover and renew?
January is usually filled with a lot of talk about change and resolutions, but have you
considered taking the first month of the year to rest, recover, and renew? You don’t
have to start growing right now, you can take time to rest from the challenges that
2020 threw at you. There is value in resting! This can look like trying to have as many
moments where you have nothing on your schedule, going to bed and falling asleep
early, not putting anything extra on your plate until you’re ready, being more
intentional about your self-care, or even just being more mindful of the regular day to
day activities.

Are you planning to make goals for the New Year?
Making New Year resolutions are great and fun but sometimes they can be hard to stick
to, ya know? This year try thinking about those same goals as a lifestyle change and also
give your goals some weight by using the SMART goal technique. Specific,
Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.

Consider adding these ideas to your new year planning…
ONE WORD this is the idea of choosing one word
that will be the focus of your year. Choose a word that
will be meaningful to you Examples: consistent, grace,
love, kindness, routine, plan, intention, slow, accept, etc.
VISION BOARD Some people cut out magazine pictures, draw their own pictures,
or create a vision board digitally. Creating one will help you see the things you’d like to
accomplish in the near future. This can be really helpful in achieving your goals.

Self Compassion Exercises

Some Good News with John Krasinski


  • Practice yoga or meditation
  • Take a nap
  • Pet your dog or cat
  • Say daily affirmations
  • Self-validate
  • Set your phone down for the day
  • Have a dance party
  • Rest
  • Let yourself cry
  • Organize an area in your home
  • Challenge your negative thinking
  • Make your bed
  • Go to bed early
January 2021 Wellness Newsletter

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