Scheduled Weekly Care

Scheduled Weekly Care

Granger’s first visit to The Kid’s Place wasn’t easy for him.  It was new and he was afraid.  Screaming and running around on all fours, he kept saying that he needed to hurt someone. Our Kids Place staff is trauma trained and they understand that...
Families in Crisis

Families in Crisis

A single mom with two small children called The Family Place Utah in crisis.  She was considering taking her own life because of the stress she was feeling trying to handle everything on her own.  The Kid’s Place Manager was able to arrange for mom to come in...
Parenting Classes

Parenting Classes

A mom registered for the Positive Parenting class after learning about it at a Family Place booth at a local community event. She was unhappily married but was choosing to stay with her husband for the sake of her 2 young children. She was willing to try to make it...
Kids Empowered

Kids Empowered

A 7 year old girl called The Family Place Utah and explained that her mom was hitting her with a yard stick and she didn’t know what to do. She asked, “How can I get away from my parents forever?” The Family Place Utah staff member talked to her and...