Resources for Young Adults

Jun 15, 2020 | Parenting Resources

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In these times, it isn’t always easy to stay productive. No matter where you are or what the circumstance is, it is important to stay connected to those we love and engage in worthwhile activities. See some ideas below!

Movie Watching Party

Have a Netflix account? Watch a movie with friends or family using – just log in to your account and begin watching together. If you don’t have a Netflix account, you could always try Facetime or Zoom and watch the same movie together while on a video call!

Spread Laughter with Videos

Make a movie/video and send it to your family. They likely miss you as much as you miss them, and they would love to see you. Plus, it gives you something to do and will hopefully make you laugh.

Family Scavenger Hunt 

Call your grandparents and ask them to tell you stories about their lives. You can also do this with parents, aunts, and uncles. Record their stories, and you’ll be able to read them later!

Utilize video chats. You might think you’ll be bugging someone, but trust us, they need the interaction just as much as you do. Find times that work with those you love to sit down and talk to each other for a little bit.

Learn a New Skill

There are thousands of videos that you can look up to learn how to do something new. It stimulates the brain and keeps you focused. You could try crocheting, cooking, knitting, painting, learning a new game, writing, etc. There’s always Bob Ross challenges to keep us entertained.

Pen Pals

Write letters to family members, neighbors, or friends. This could be a great opportunity to get to know someone without leaving your apartment. Whether you use pen and paper or an email, anyone would be grateful to be thought of.

Throw a Virtual Party

Throw a “Sibling Party.” You can also do this with friends, cousins, grandparents, coworkers, or whoever you want to talk to. Even if you can’t get together physically, there are a lot of great virtual resources you can use. Have a dance party, play some games, or just have a group conversation.

Play games online with each other. This could be a fun thing to do with siblings or friends. A little healthy competition never hurt anyone, right? You could try Jackbox games ( for a few ideas, as well as apps such as Words with Friends or Mario Kart Tour. You can even try doing a puzzle online at 


In stressful times, it is especially important to remember to take care of yourself. Taking time each day to care for your mental and physical health will have a major positive influence on your daily life.

Write in your journal. If you are the journaling type, getting all of your thoughts and experiences down on paper can be a huge help.

Don’t forget to move! Getting up to exercise is a great way to reduce your stress levels and help with anxiety. It also helps to boost the immune system and overall makes you happier.

Take time to take care of yourself. Whether this means throwing a spa night or relaxing with a good book, everyone needs to remember to do something that doesn’t require a lot of brain power. We are better able to work when we take time to do something for ourselves.

Eat every meal every day. It is sometimes hard to remember to eat an actual meal rather than just snacking, but doing so can really help. This will be beneficial not only to your physical health, but to your mental health as well.

Set a schedule for yourself. This might seem rote and inapplicable to you, but making sure you have a schedule keeps you from falling into unhealthy habits. It also keeps you accountable to goals and obligations you might have with others.

Listen to music, podcasts, books, or other things that keep you motivated and provide you with entertainment you appreciate


This is a great resource that offers advice on how to cope during difficult times specifically for young adults.

This app offers both paid and free options. There a tons of meditations and mindfulness exercises to help you relax and get to sleep.

Using a gratitude journal can immensely help your lifestyle and decrease anxiety and depression. This app offers and easy and effective way to do that.


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