Steppin Up for Children : Live Blog

(11:46) Hey Everyone! This is Matt, a social media intern for the Family Place! I’ll be live with you for the event today. We are looking forward to a great day and a wonderful event. If you’re having trouble seeing the recent posts to this stream, try...

Child Abuse Prevention Month

The month of April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. We have various events and classes planned to help raise awareness for this important month, and to prevent further instances of child abuse.   This month is a time to acknowledge to importance of...

Pinterest Power

We only have a couple reminders and updates for you in this blog post. First we would like to remind you of the ‘Amazing Parenting’ classes on Wednesday nights, 6:30 to 8pm at our Smithfield location at 502 South Main St. For more information on that check out our...

Almost Spring!

As the cold of winter finally begins to blow away and spring and summer begin to arrive, we are presented with warm weather and sunny skies. This means time for fun and outdoor activities. Don’t let your families waste the beautiful weather we get staying inside...

Norma Milller, The Family Place Utah Open House

THE FAMILY PLACE IN HYRUM WELCOMES PUBLIC TO OPEN HOUSE Renovated Hyrum facility showcases building improvements and changes HYRUM, UT— The Family Place Utah will host an open house celebrating Hyrum’s Norma Miller, The Family Place Utah, on Thursday, November 12,...