Mental Health First Aid Blog Post

Mental Health First Aid Blog Post

What is it, and why is it important? Mental Health First Aid is a course that instructs community members how to understand, identify, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. It provides adults with the opportunity to learn how to make a...
Camping Edition

Camping Edition

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How to Run a Successful Supply Drive

Now more than ever our community is in need of ways to strengthen families and protect children! A great way to support The Family Place Utah is to run a supply drive and collect donations. Donations collected will make a difference to the children and families we...
Glitter Bottles

Glitter Bottles

Glitter bottles, also known as calm down jars, can be used to help children self-regulate and calm down big emotions. Watching the glitter sink to the bottom creates a moment of peace and stillness. While it may be difficult for children to learn skills like this on...